In Tigray, Ethiopia, Tsadekan, who is seven months pregnant with her fifth child, is at the Hawelti Health Center for what should be her third antenatal care (ANC) visit after skipping her second...
The Ambassadors of Mothers
How information recasts a problem into a local innovative solution: The collection and use of high-quality routine health information is leading to better quality and availability of primary health...
Connected Woreda Program: A conduit to the health information revolution in Ethiopia
In Ethiopia, the health sector is undergoing a sea-change—organizationally, behaviorally, and technologically. The transformation is being driven by the goal of ensuring quality and equity of health...
Ethiopia Embarks on Standardizing Its Electronic Health Management Information System
Ethiopia is revolutionizing its current health management information system by adopting DHIS2—a tool with global acclaim for transforming the way health data is collected, validated, visualized,...
An Innovative Approach to Improving Health Data Use in Ethiopia
In November 2017, the Ethiopia Data Use Partnership and the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (MOH), conducted a co-creation workshop in Adama, Ethiopia that brought together more than 35 people...