Digital Health
DUP supports the standardization, automation, and scaling up of Ethiopia’s various digital health systems. Whether setting data standards for digital health solutions or promoting interoperability between different health information systems, our digital health activities are critical in making health data accessible to stakeholders for informed decision-making.
Key engagement areas in digital health include:
- Establishing foundational components and capacities in eHealth architecture and data and interoperability standards.
- Developing and implementing the Master Facility Registry (MFR), National Health Data Dictionary (NHDD,) and other shared digital health services.
- Strengthening customization and sustainable implementation of DHIS2 in order to strengthen routine health management information system data use across the country.
- Electronic Community Health Information System (eCHIS) project coordination, capacity building, implementation support, documentation, and learning.
- Guiding the digital health investment, including support for the development and implementation of the Digital Health Blueprint, Digital Health Strategy, Health Information System (HIS) Maturity Assessments, and Digital Health Systems Projects Inventory (DHPI).
- Establishing and operating the national Digital Health Innovation and Learning Center (DHILC).
- Creating linkages with the regional and global communities of practice to promote and advance the Open Health Information Exchange (OHIE).
- Designing and implementing the Information Technology (IT) Internship Program that deployed more than 180 new IT graduates to support HIS strengthening efforts in the regions.
- Providing ongoing digital infrastructure support, including cloud-based services (like Amazon Web Services), on-premise systems optimization, Google Workspace, HealthNet expansion, and business continuity plans.