A round up of Information Revolution progress, updates, and news to keep stakeholders informed. Issue 008 includes the following features: Celebrating the Third Annual National Health Data Week Ministry of Health Leads Collaborative Effort to Build Enterprise...
DHIS2 analytics tools and information use academy report by UOG
Report from the DHIS2 Level 1 analytics academy held in Gondar, Ethiopia from November 11 – 16th 2019. The academy introduced participants to the basics of DHIS2 analytics tools with a focus on new features and functionalities for data analysis, information management and decision making through clear and concise dashboard collections of different data visualizations; charts, maps and pivot tables. The training combined both theoretical and practical sessions equipping participants with in-depth knowledge and skills to harness the capabilities of DHIS2 to support data collection, analysis and reporting requirements for improved and informed decision making both at national, Federal Bureau Level and other levels such as Woreda and PHCU.
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Ethiopia DUP | Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Supported Research Abstract Booklet 2024
DUP’s commitment to research and learning extends across various domains, including implementation research, operational research, support for postgraduate student research, and evaluation of health information system effectiveness. This abstract booklet includes more...